Wellington Jr. High School expresses appreciation for O’Rear

  • To focus attention on the unique contribution of school counselors, Wellington Junior High School presents Meagan O’Rear with a custommade cake in her honor during National School Counselor Week. Courtesy Photo
    To focus attention on the unique contribution of school counselors, Wellington Junior High School presents Meagan O’Rear with a custommade cake in her honor during National School Counselor Week. Courtesy Photo
WELLINGTON – In conjunction with National School Counseling Week, which was celebrated Monday, Feb. 6 through Friday, Feb. 10, Wellington Junior High School (WJHS) celebrated school counselor Meagan O’Rear. “Ms. Meagan goes above and beyond, not only in academic counseling, but in helping our students and staff through difficult stages of their lives,” said WJHS Principal Edward Beck. “She has…

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